
Dear colleague,

It is a pleasure to inform you about the forthcoming 19 th annual conference of the ESPMH in Barcelona , Spain . Enc1osed you will find the penultimate draft version of the program. This draft program lists a1l speakers who have submitted an abstract that has been accepted for oral presentation. Names of those who have a1ready registered have been marked in bold. Persons who will not have registered by 15 June wi1l have their names removed from the final program (enclosed p1ease find a registration form). With this we hope to avoid major gaps in the actua1 conference sessions.

On beha1f of the ESPMH Board, I wou1d a1so like to invite you to attend the General Assemb1y of our Society, which wi1l take place on Friday 26 August (17.00-18.30 hrs) in Barcelona. The draft agenda of the meeting has been enclosed, as we1l as the draft report of the last General Assemb1y held in Reykjavik , 27 August 2004 .

In an earlier letter (dated 26 October 2004 ) we invited you to nominate candidates for the position of Treasurer and two further positions of regular member of the Board. Soren Holm, whose term as a regular Board member would have lasted until 31/12/2005 , has been elected the new President-Elect in Reykjavik . Hence, his former position of regular member will be open for election in Barcelona . Moreover, Eugenijus Gefenas' position as regular member will be open for election. Finally, the position of Treasurer will be open for election.

Subsequent to the invitation to propose candidates, we have not received any nominations for any of these positions. Fortunately, the current Treasurer, Gerrit Kimsma, and Eugenijus Gefenas are willing to serve yet another term on the Board. This means that as an exception this year's election proposal is really simple:

The election proposal for the position of Treasurer is: Gerrit Kimsma (The Netherlands; already Treasurer and candidate for a next term)

The election proposal for a position of member in the Board is: Eugenijus Gefenas ( Lithuania ; already member of the Board and candidate for a next term)

According to the by-laws concerning the election procedure a candidate can be elected without ballots if there is only one candidate for a position and the General Assembly unanimously agrees. Biosketches of the candidates have been enclosed in this mailing.

On behalf of the Board,

Bert Gordijn, PhD

Secretary of ESPMH

E-mail: b.gordijn@efg.umcn.nl